

Today, I have my first critique session for acupuncture infographic.Unfortunately, I have to be absent due to some issue.

Below are my design developments : 

First picture:

  1. I wanted to put human figure with joints / channels to represents the acupuncture points. It can be sitting down, lay down or standing.
  2. I roughly sketch my character to use in the infographic.
  3. There are few types of interactive that I wanted to use, such as :
  • Pin a needle on an area so the notes will lift from the board.
  • Move the pin along the lines.
  • Flip / swing notes (open & close)

Second picture:

There are 2 different infographic board designs. 

First design:
  1. There's a human figure sitting down on a chair protruded. The leg can be swing to side for notes underneath, there will be pin that can move along the line at the body part and notes will be lifted when you pin on the point.
  2. You can pin on either yes or no for segment " Are you afraid of needles?"
  3. There are informations surrounding the figure.

Second design:
  1. There's a human figure standing up. It is made of stack of cardboards with different sizes and shapes to create texture. The figure will indicates the acupuncture point. Other than that, few cardboards can be pull out to read the informations underneath. 
  2. There's a segment, put a needle on the figure where you are likely getting pain. 
  3. People can play "Don't the touch the wire" while reading the informations.  
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day. ^___^ 

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