
About Me

 Hey, I'm Puteri.

Welcome to my blog !!

First of all, I would like to say thank you for spending your precious time exploring my blog.
Let's get to know me a bit more, shall we?

Full name: Puteri Nursyahira binti Mohamad Dali ( i know its long )
Age: 20 years old ( i'm not old )
Currently studying at Taylor's University taking Diploma in Interior Design (senior year)
Life Goals: Travel around the world and skydiving.

Let's stop here. If you have any question, contact me. I won't bite.

Ok, let's move on to about this blog.

This blog is created to show my design developments and achievements on every assignment given throughout my Semester 5 for Design Studio 3 subject. Honestly, I have a pretty bad handwriting but quite good in drawings. Sometimes looking for ideas is hard but what's actually important is that the progress on achieving a fantastic design spaces.

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